Wolters Kluwer

28 Liberty St.
New York, NY 10005

About Wolters Kluwer

We understand the complex challenges that the Office of the CFO faces and translate that knowledge into intuitive, enterprise-scale CCH Tagetik performance management software solutions.
Unprecedented efficiency. Powerful insights. Pinpoint accuracy. AI-based CPM helps finance teams make strategic decision faster. Welcome AI onto your finance team today.

Competitors of Wolters Kluwer


Epic makes software for mid-size and large medical groups, hospitals and integrated healthcare organizations –working with customers that include community hospitals, academic facilities, children's organizations, safety net providers and multi-hospital systems. Our integrated software spans... Read More

Promethean Ltd

At Promethean, our goal is to reimagine and reinvent educational technology solutions to create the dynamic environments, communities, and tools that empower teachers and motivate students to learn. Read More