
7921 Jones Branch Drive, Suite 106
McLean, VA 22102

About Cognosante

Cognosante™ is all about health – cognos from the Latin cognosco meaning “to know from experience” and santé meaning “health” in French. Our goal is to provide you with the best "minds on health"™.

Cognosante is a woman-owned small business with competencies in managing large, complex programs and strategic issues. We are the answer for many of our clients and partners who want to work with a small business but are struggling to find one with the capabilities that only large companies typically possess. Unencumbered by bureaucracy, we move fast; unconstrained by quarter-on-quarter profits, we do what makes sense for our clients and partners.

Competitors of Cognosante


We pioneered the development of e-signature technology, and today offer the world’s #1 e-signature solution. It’s just part of our broader cloud-based System of Agreement Platform, which allows companies of all sizes and across all industries to quickly modernize and digitize the entire... Read More


Hyland Software

Hyland Software is the developer of the OnBase enterprise content management & document management software solution. Read More